速報APP / 教育 / search your planets !

search your planets !





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本


search your planets !(圖1)-速報App

The planet (from the ancient Greek απ πλανςης (astēr planētēs), meaning "wandering star") is an astronomical object that orbits a star or a star remnant large enough to have its own gravity, not too large to create thermonuclear fusion, and has " The area around its orbit of planetesimal planets.

search your planets !(圖2)-速報App

The word planet has long existed and has historical, scientific, mythological, and religious connections. By ancient civilizations, the planet was seen as something eternal or a divine representative. As science progresses, the human view of the planet changes.

search your planets !(圖3)-速報App